Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fun Drink "Moscato Wine"

     Last fall I was having dinner with my mom and aunt at Olive Garden (I know, it seems like I go there a lot right?) They offered us a sample of their white table wine, usually I’m all for free samples of wine but I was just getting over the stomach flu and wanted nothing to do with alcohol. My mom, however went for it. My mom isn’t a wine drinker, my mom rarely drinks actually, and if she is going to drink it’s usually a margarita or some kind of coffee based drink. After she took a drink of this wine she was amazed and loved how sweet it was. She passed it around the table for everyone to try and although I was apprehensive because of my stomach I took a little sip and I had found my new favorite wine. My mom had asked the waitress what the wine was called and for the life of me I could not remember what she had said. I spent months browsing the supermarket isles for the name of it and I’m slightly intimidated by wine stores when I don’t know what the name of something so I didn’t want to attempt that.

     One day I rounded the holiday isle at our local Target and there it was. Moscato. I had finally found it. You wouldn’t believe how giddy I was that I had found it after all that time. Then was the deciding factor how many should I buy, but wait, am I sure this is the right one, what if this maker is not as good. So I decided on 1 bottle because I honestly make a trip to Target at least once a week so I could just get more next time I came. When I got home I popped it right open. Had a glass and then another. I can honestly say that this is my new favorite wine.

    Here is the one down side however, after a couple of glasses I developed a headache. I don’t usually get headaches from drinking wine, from what I hear, it’s pretty common with red wine. I did some investigating and although they’re not too sure exactly why wine causes this they believe it has something to do with Histamine. I haven’t had issues with other wines so I don’t believe it is the Histamines. They also mentioned that it could simply be the region or the vineyards chemical make up, this particular one being Ménage a Trois and another vineyard may not give me the same issue. Looks like I will be doing some more research of the tasting kind ;-)

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